ProTrust Articles
Lifetime (or ‘Living’) Trusts
Robert Cartmell explores the benefits of using lifetime Trusts as opposed to using Will-Trusts to protect assets. What are the usual factors and implications for putting your property into a lifetime trust structure, by Estate [...]
Budget (Autumn 2024) – the IHT impact on Estate Planning.
Robert Cartmell explores the impact of the recent Budget on Inheritance Tax and how this will affect Estate Planning for families. The Inheritance Tax (IHT) implications and why a review of your Estate Planning is [...]
How to Sell a Property that is subject to a Trust
Robert Cartmell explores how to establish that a property is owned subject to a Trust and how to deal with the Trust appropriately on sale. How to sell a property that is subject to a [...]
Will I avoid Inheritance Tax (IHT) on my estate because I moved to a country such as Australia?
No doubt not the primary reason for moving away, but there are cases where a person or couple might believe that the value of their ‘estate assets’ on death might trigger their family paying UK [...]
Robert Cartmell explores the relatively unknown “14-yr rule” period which can apply to lifetime gifts instead of the usual 7 years for Inheritance Tax purposes
The reasons why a 14 year rule period might apply to lifetime gifts, by estate planning expert Robert Cartmell. I, Robert Cartmell, have worked in estate planning work for over 25 years and there have [...]
Robert Cartmell explores the reasons and process of lodging a “Caveat” at the Probate Registry
The reasons why a Caveat might be lodged and the impact of doing so by estate administration expert Robert Cartmell. I, Robert Cartmell, having worked in estate administration work for over 25 years and during [...]
Robert Cartmell explores the reasons for creating a “Business Lasting Power of Attorney”
The reasons why a Business LPA provides better coverage for your Business by estate planning expert Robert Cartmell. I, Robert Cartmell, having worked in ‘estate planning work for over 25 years and a common issue [...]
Robert Cartmell explores the reasons for filing notices under Section 27 of the Trustee Act
The reasons why a Section 27 Trustee Act notice helps Executors by estate administration expert Robert Cartmell. I, Robert Cartmell, having worked in estate administration work for over 25 years and a common issue to [...]
Robert Cartmell explores the idea of making a ‘Digital Legacy’
The merits of planning a Digital Legacy alongside your Will by estate planning expert Robert Cartmell. I, Robert Cartmell, having worked in ‘estate planning’ areas of work for over 25 years and a common question [...]